Entries by Miquel McMoore

Eating Out and Success.

The Soul30 Journey is more than just white knuckling your way through the Whole30 Reset!  It’s strutting through it with a community of multicultural, food loving, health and wellness seeking soulsters!  (think the George Jefferson Strut) being able to eat out at some of your favorite restaurants is a must!  That’s why we have asked […]

The Time is Now

The time is now… We are here… approaching January 2019… Another year gone by, another opportunity to start out and finish right!  You are likely reading this because you are joining me for the Soul30 Journey! The Soul30 Journey is a total body, mind and spirit reset.    For 30 days, you will love yourself enough […]

From Transition to Transformation

Welcome to the Kickass Culture Food Experience!   I am excited to invite you all on this transformative journey with me! 2018 was very much a transitional year for me.   I watched a dear friend transition from an earthly to a heavenly home–all due to an illness associated with lifestyle choices.  I discovered the joy & […]