Entries by Joelle Allen

211.5 – Starting week 7

I was SICK AS A DOG this week. Something I either ate or didn’t eat had my stomach MESSED UP!! I’ve been taking vitamins (new to my routine) as well as melatonin for better sleep and chewing a lot of sugarless gum to eliminate the narly breath that can come with eating a high protein […]

214.2 – Starting week 6

Hard to believe 6 weeks have just wizzed on by. This week — I really have to focus on getting my water intake up. I drink way too much coffee as a matter of fact — I am waiting for the intravenous Keurig version to come out. Unfortunately between coffee being a diuretic and the […]

216.7 – Starting Week 5

The scale continues to be my friend! Going into week 5, I am 18 pounds down and settling into new ways of eating. Perhaps — the biggest win of the week is discovering an Air Fryer!! CHANGED MY LIFE!! I am a huge fan of chicken wings. And, thankfully wings are guilty pleasure that I […]

218.2 – Starting Week 4

Hard to believe that its been almost 4 weeks! Thus far I’ve lost a total of 16.5 pounds and I feel great. While I can certainly see a little difference in terms of how I look — but the most impressive difference for me is the way I feel. With the extra weight and I […]

219.9 – Starting Week 3

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. – Martin Luther King, Jr. Today is MLK Day – so I thought it fitting to start off this post with a quote from Martin Luther King, Jr. As I look at the many things that matter to me, there are […]

223.7 – Off to a great start

Today I start week 2 at 223.7 pounds. I lost 10.3 pounds, so I am pumped!! In all fairness…we all know that the first week is typically water weight…but I am conveniently ignoring that for the moment because it makes be feel great to get a good jumpstart! This week the focus will be on […]

234.7…Oh My!

This post could have stopped at the picture and the title! That said — I am amped to jump-start healthy eating and engaging in other cultures in the process. My personal weight loss goal for 2019 is to lose 90 to 95 pounds before we ring in the new year of 2020. So, what’s the […]