214.2 – Starting week 6

Hard to believe 6 weeks have just wizzed on by. This week — I really have to focus on getting my water intake up. I drink way too much coffee as a matter of fact — I am waiting for the intravenous Keurig version to come out. Unfortunately between coffee being a diuretic and the Minnesota winters being so cold and dry…my skin and hair are showing quite a bit of wear.

I also need to start getting some real exercise in. I started Lifetime Fitness’ 60 day challenge and with that comes a DXA scan. Suffice it to say that all of your body fat is on FULL display, as are all of your body mass percentages. Ew!! It wasn’t pretty — but it’s a process right?!?

Given that I am almost 80lbs overweight, the plan is to slowly build into an exercise routine that I can sustain. No crazy workouts as I’ve done in the past….just slow and steady adding some intensity each week so that I can see progress.

Until next week.

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