223.7 – Off to a great start

Today I start week 2 at 223.7 pounds. I lost 10.3 pounds, so I am pumped!! In all fairness…we all know that the first week is typically water weight…but I am conveniently ignoring that for the moment because it makes be feel great to get a good jumpstart!

This week the focus will be on creating meals and recipes that are convenient, don’t take all day to make and won’t trash my diet! I have yet to sit down and create a full week menu…but baby steps, right?

So this week…I’m going to wing it. However, as I plan for each night – I’m going to take 10 extra minutes to build that day’s menu on next week’s calendar. My friend Alex allowed me to borrow is keto book – so my hope is to get some ideas from there and experiment with dishes from the book that are similar to the dishes I’ve experienced in some of the places I’ve travelled.

Much success to everyone this week. Time to kick ass!

1 reply
  1. Miquel McMoore
    Miquel McMoore says:

    Wow, ten pounds–Woot! Brave to share your weight! I’ve really gotta think hard and long about that one… My starting weight is considerably higher…but, going down none the less. Here’s to kickin’ obesity’s ass! Good Health is on the horizon.

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