234.7…Oh My!

This post could have stopped at the picture and the title! That said — I am amped to jump-start healthy eating and engaging in other cultures in the process. My personal weight loss goal for 2019 is to lose 90 to 95 pounds before we ring in the new year of 2020. So, what’s the plan exactly? The plan is to adhere to a diet that I’ve pieced together from a number of well-known weight loss philosophies. Like Atkins, I am drastically lowering my carb intake and upping the protein. From the Whole30 my goal is to rid my body of inflammation by ditching the dairy, soy, legumes. However, no nuts are allowed on the Whole 30 — and for me…that’s a no can do. I love macadamia nuts — which are also high in good fats…so they stay. For those familiar with the Mediterranean diet, this is very similar — besides the fruit — which goes because of the high sugar content. I am looking forward, however, to potentially reintroduce melons and berries in the summertime in moderation.

Each Monday, I’ll be uploading a blog post describing my journey thus far. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment below. This is meant to be a community of people who are on a journey toward optimal weight, better health and vitality. This is the place to lift each other up, share stories, trade recipes and celebrate who we are in every moment along the way.

I imagine that like me…lots of us have been here before. Ready to start anew…and PISSED that there is even a necessity to start anew. A number of years ago – I was in this very spot. I buckled down much like I am doing now and I lost 100 pounds. I kept it off for over 5 years. Then, things changed…new career path, lots of traveling, lots of eating out without working out, and a move back home. The move home — was probably the hardest. I very quickly fell back into old patterns of doing things — including a diet that was sugar laden, fried and by all accounts a fantastically yummy but weight E X P L O D I N G way of eating. I remember saying to myself I would NEVER be fat again. and I remember the day that it was undeniable that I had broken that promise to myself. !@#((U@!!

So today we start again. Ready to kickass? Let’s do this!!

1 reply
  1. Miquel McMoore
    Miquel McMoore says:

    Amen to that Sister! So glad to be on this journey with you. We are half way through the WHOLE30… I have a few recipes that I plan to upload today as they were delicious!!! I am hoping others will start sharing some of their recipes! Onward and upward my dear sister. Beautiful now, beautiful then, beautiful when–now let’s go get that feel good. Love you all my life.

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