218.2 – Starting Week 4

Hard to believe that its been almost 4 weeks! Thus far I’ve lost a total of 16.5 pounds and I feel great. While I can certainly see a little difference in terms of how I look — but the most impressive difference for me is the way I feel.

With the extra weight and I am sure some inflammation gone, going up and down stairs is easier, My back feels notably better and while I haven’t yet mastered the “Get enough rest” thing – the quality of the sleep I do get is MUCH better.

I don’t know about everyone else…but is it crazy that even with this success, I still wish the weight would come off at the rate in which it seems to pile on? I almost feel guilty that I have some anxiety around wanting to rush the process along. I feel simultaneously happy that my weight has consistently gone in the “right” direction for 4 consecutive weeks and yet I must admit that I was a little disappointed when I got on the scale this morning and had only lost 1 pound instead of 3! Ughh!

But for now…I am going to fight off a sheer lack of patience by concentrating on some of the amazing dishes I am now exploring as a result of this blog and my sister’s Soul30 Journey.

I’d love to hear from others who are on this journey. What strategies are you using to get to or maintain your optimal weight? How do you stay motivated to stick with it? Until next week!

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