211.5 – Starting week 7

I was SICK AS A DOG this week. Something I either ate or didn’t eat had my stomach MESSED UP!! I’ve been taking vitamins (new to my routine) as well as melatonin for better sleep and chewing a lot of sugarless gum to eliminate the narly breath that can come with eating a high protein / lower carb diet.

As strange as it sounds – I believe it may be the gum! I’ve eliminated not only sugar from my diet but also all artificial sweetners. All was going fine until I started chewing tons of gum. I’ve heard that the sugar alcohols in sugarless gum can cause stomach irritation – so I am eliminating that first.

Goals this week are to 1) Get in the gym at least 3 days this week; 2) Get 12 glasses of water in each day and 3) Get in bed before midnight!

I’d love to hear how you are doing with your diet journey, what new recipes you’ve tried lately and what you are doing to stay healthy. Comment below!

214.2 – Starting week 6

Hard to believe 6 weeks have just wizzed on by. This week — I really have to focus on getting my water intake up. I drink way too much coffee as a matter of fact — I am waiting for the intravenous Keurig version to come out. Unfortunately between coffee being a diuretic and the Minnesota winters being so cold and dry…my skin and hair are showing quite a bit of wear.

I also need to start getting some real exercise in. I started Lifetime Fitness’ 60 day challenge and with that comes a DXA scan. Suffice it to say that all of your body fat is on FULL display, as are all of your body mass percentages. Ew!! It wasn’t pretty — but it’s a process right?!?

Given that I am almost 80lbs overweight, the plan is to slowly build into an exercise routine that I can sustain. No crazy workouts as I’ve done in the past….just slow and steady adding some intensity each week so that I can see progress.

Until next week.

216.7 – Starting Week 5

The scale continues to be my friend! Going into week 5, I am 18 pounds down and settling into new ways of eating.

Perhaps — the biggest win of the week is discovering an Air Fryer!! CHANGED MY LIFE!! I am a huge fan of chicken wings. And, thankfully wings are guilty pleasure that I don’t need to feel guilty about…and now even more so!

Crazy busy week this week with both travel and work…but somehow I’m managing to keep the eating in check. Until next week!